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Hello my Apoca-Darlins! Welcome to the Apocalypse Whenever website.
If you've arrived here and are reading this, congrats, the world is still here, and you're still alive! Also, you are probably a member of the "Apocalypse Whenever" Goodreads group. The AW group was begun in September, 2007, when I realized that not only did I have a penchant for reading about the end of the world, but so did many others. We don't want the world to end (well, most of us don't), but we still like to read about the possibility. This site is not intended to in any way supplant the Goodreads group, rather it is a supplement, particularly for our monthly newsletters. 
Over time, the group has certainly grown, but there always remains a core of active people stopping by to say hello and discuss their day, how they feel about Twinkies, or what would happen if a zombie bit a vampire. If you aren't in the group but are curious, you can find us here.
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